My favorite store in New Port, Rhode Island!
In 2022, I decided to stay with my grandparents in their house in New Port for 2 weeks. It was such great quality time to spend with the two of them and I learned so much from them while I was there.
My grandmother, Judy or Grammy to me, was an interior designer and had her own business! One day while I was there, in passing, she told me to go check out one of her favorite stores in town. Anything Grammy loves, I immediately will love too. She has quite possibly the best taste I’ve ever seen.
Cottage and Garden, not surprisingly, turned out to be a gem of a store. Packed with the most unique home and miscellaneous items. Antique books, baubles for your bookshelf, and everything in between. I couldn’t stop taking photos.
One of my favorite items they sell is G. Wolff pottery. They are one of the only places now that sell his pottery, which is all hand-made and uses 18th-century tools and techniques. Every time I go now, I purchase a piece of his pottery because it is so simply elegant and charming.
If you are ever in the New Port area, I highly recommend checking out the store and seeing these treasures for yourself!